Collaboration is about cultivating mutually-beneficial relationships built on trust that strengthens our collective impact. Collaboration among resource partners, entrepreneurs, and small business owners are essential to the performance of our community.
Community is about maintaining supportive networks and resources that allow community members to learn together, help one another, and evolve over time. Our community-based approach to economic development inspires a collective identity that democratizes the process of business development and promote sustainability.
Inclusion is about honoring diversity by working with entrepreneurs and small businesses at each stage of development, no matter the size or sector—their stories and priorities frame our work. The power of diversity bolsters our community of resource partners and stimulate creativity, innovation, and the improvement of our offerings.
Equity is about facilitating access to support services and resources organized to accommodate the range of small business needs in a contextually-relevant way. Each one of them are unique, equipped with their own back stories, attributes, aspirations, and challenges.
Evidence is about garnering and assimilating credible insights to inform inquiry, policy setting, and decision-making throughout our community. We strive to consult two or more available sources of evidence including scholarly literature, expert perspectives, stakeholder preferences, and systems-level data.