Orchard Park Economic Development Committee
It is the mission of the Orchard Park Economic Development Committee to assist businesses to locate and expand in Orchard Park. In an effort to help promote Orchard Park to the commercial and industrial community, the OPEDC has compiled the following list of available commercial and industrial properties in Orchard Park for purchase, lease, or rent. For additional information on specific listings, please contact the respective company contact person.
The Orchard Park Economic Development Committee (OPEDC) is composed of volunteer citizens from the business community. Appointments to the committee are named by the Town Board, the Village Board and the Orchard Park Chamber of Commerce.
The role of the OPEDC is to be the first and most obvious contact to be made by outside parties looking to bring economic development to the Southtowns. The OPEDC performs in an advisory capacity to the Town and Village Boards on matters pertaining to economic development and maintenance of a viable business friendly economic climate in the Town of Orchard Park.
The OPEDC acts as facilitators in assisting companies, groups and individuals interested in bringing business to Orchard Park or expansion of local business.
The OPEDC meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm in the Community Activities Center. Contact the Town of Orchard Park Supervisor for information, at 716-662-6400.
Services Provided
Economic and Site Development
- Economic Development (Specialty)
Networking and Associations
- Geographically Based (Specialty)
John Murray
3623 Eggert Road
Orchard Park, NY 14127
(716) 636-3626 Ext: 302
[email protected]
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