UB The Center for Industrial Effectiveness (TCIE)

We develop excellence in people, processes and technology. Start, grow and sustain your business with assets of the University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.


TCIE is a business consulting and economic development arm of the university. TCIE serves as a liaison between area businesses and manufacturers and a wide range of UB resources. Faculty members from many departments are assigned to work on projects tailored to the needs of area companies. Projects may also feature material testing labs, technicians, graduate students, and university design and research centers. TCIE also helps to administer the Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR) program. SPIR provides up to 50% financing for small to mid-size companies that seek efficiency and process improvements, product development assistance, and quality program implementation. TCIE is also committed to strengthening the work force of the region, providing training needs assessments, training grant development and administration, and both soft skills and technical training programs. Contracted services and project management for industrial process improvements, quality initiatives, product development, lean manufacturing, business planning and marketing consulting, business translations, grant writing support and grant administration (e.g. NYS Department of Labor Safety Training Grants, Empire State Development training grants).

Services Provided

Economic and Site Development

  • Economic Development

Business Planning

  • Business Plan Consulting

Internship Programs and Student Services

  • Student Research Projects

Networking and Associations

  • Geographically Based
  • Industry Specific
Contact Information
Timothy Leyh
1576 Sweet Home Road
Buffalo, NY 14228