PITCH Hamburg
PITCH Hamburg is a nonprofit organization that supports the creation of new small businesses that add to the economic vibrancy of Hamburg. This incubator space was developed to encourage interactions between entrepreneurs and to provide meeting and event space for local organizations that support small businesses in our community. Each year, companies are accepted into the cohort program and will receive: mentorship, programming, space in our incubator for up to 6 months, and the opportunity to pitch for a share of grant dollars at our PITCH annual event. Individuals do not have to live in Hamburg, but we would like a headquarter or business presence here.
Services Provided
Economic and Site Development
- Economic Development (Specialty)
Business Planning
- Business Plan Consulting
- Forming a Business (Specialty)
- Market Plan Development (Specialty)
Financial Resources and Assistance
- Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Grant Funding (Specialty)
Human Resources, Workforce and Talent
- Insurance
- Leadership/Professional Development
Legal Services
- Forming a Business (Specialty)
Marketing and Sales
- Market Plan Development and Training
- Formal Mentoring Programs (Specialty)
- One-on-One Counseling (Specialty)
Networking and Associations
- Geographically Based (Specialty)
- Small Business/General (Specialty)
- Conference/Meeting and Event Space
- Coworking
Product Development
- R&D Support
Regulatory Compliance
- Insurance Requirements
Starting a Business
- Forming a Business
- Site Location
- Startup Business Counseling
- Startup Classes
Accelerators and Incubators
- Accelerator
- Incubator
Events and Community Building
- Pitch Events (Specialty)
Annamaria Masucci
40 Main Street
Hamburg, NY 14075
(716) 926-6494
[email protected]
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